Photo by Richard Hurd
The Capital Times
- Media

The Capital Times has a rich, deep history in Madison, but what is most important is what we are today.
Foremost, we are a local news organization delivering authoritative journalism focused on Madison and beyond. We produce a weekly print newspaper, but our primary delivery is digital.
Second, we are a source of progressive opinion through our editorials and essays produced by our outstanding opinion staff and guest writers.
Third, we pride ourselves on excellent events, highlighted by the annual Cap Times Idea Fest each fall, where nearly 100 local and nationally known speakers participate in dozens of sessions on topics ranging from politics to culture.
Finally, The Capital Times is a major source of local philanthropy thanks to the foundation named for our founder, William T. Evjue.
The Capital Times is a place that embraces more than a century of newspaper history in Madison, but today brings an edge of digital innovation.
About that history: As the capital of Wisconsin, politics is a huge part of Madison’s lifeblood, and the same is true for The Capital Times.