Photo by Richard Hurd
Burkhalter Travel Companies
- Travel

Since 1959, Burkhalter Travel Companies are locally owned and family operated. Our travel management services include Business Travel,, Group Travel, Incentive Travel, and Leisure Travel. Our teams of travel experts work diligently for our clients to minimize the ever-increasing challenges of travel. We are one of the largest privately-held travel companies in the state of Wisconsin. We have nine offices in south central Wisconsin, headquartered in Madison, Wisconsin. We regularly earn accolades as the ''best travel agency'' for all-around customer service.
Our nine locations include:
Madison West - 6501 Mineral Point Road - 608-833-5200
Madison East - 615 A North Sherman Ave - 608-241-7500
Prairie Du Sac - Prairie du Sac - 180 Washington Street - 608-643-4599
Oregon - 763 N Main Street - 608-835-8474
Fitchburg - 3050 Cahill Main - 608-441-0151
Baraboo - 141 Third Avenue - 608-356-4999
Stoughton - Chalet Travel - 226 S Forrest - 608-873-8133
Brookfield - Olson Travel - 17550 W Bluemound - 262-782-0110
Dubuque, IA - Travel Headquarters 2095 JFK Road - 800-383-0563
- Earned accolades as "best travel agency" for all around customer service
- Locally owned and family operated, Ed Mani, President 608-833-5200
- Customized Group & Incentive Travel, contact Ed Mani, 608-833-5200
- Business Travel, contact Joanne Mani 608-827-2532
- Leisure Travel, 9 branch locations - contact the branch nearest you or go to
See our web site for all of our branch locations and their addresses. Burkhalter Travel - Corporate - 6501 Mineral Point Road, Madison, WI 53705